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The goal: to ensure everyone can increase the sustainability of their home in an accessible and affordable way. Based on that ambition, De Woonpas has been working to develop and roll-out the Municipal Sustainability Scheme (Gemeentelijke VerduurzamingsRegeling, GVR) since 2017. They do so in close cooperation with municipal authorities.

Are you a resident of a participating municipality? If so, you can sign up to increase the sustainability of your home, with no risk or investment on your part. The GVR therefore offers both homeowners and municipalities an ideal solution for enhancing the sustainability of homes at a large scale. Together with municipal authorities, financial supporters and implementing bodies, De Woonpas is working hard to scale up and accelerate the installation of measures for more sustainable homes. In this way, De Woonpas is also facilitating the energy transition and contributing to efforts to reduce CO2 emissions.

  • De Woonpas

    Amsterdamseweg 24

    3812 RS Amersfoort

    The Netherlands

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